Questions and Answers
The weather here has been beautiful and sunny for nearly a week so the wife and I have been busy buying garden soil, fruit trees, and building the raised beds for the veggies that we hope to get planted thisa weeken or so. It is still awesome to walk ovder the dam and come within inches of the beaver as he suns himself on the shore. And we get a big kick out of the loud "pop-splash" sound of the beaver issuing his warning using his tail. But he is also pretty laid back as the dogs don't seem to bvug him too much.
We put up our big 20 foot by 10 foot portable building next to the dog kennel and we plan to use it for a storage/workshop for now. With the big generator running just up the hill we have all the power we could want and are already looking into wiring up the cabins for a power.
To say that we are busy is somewhat of an understatement as thew wife and I are both suffering from thje amount of work we have completed so far. And we are praying for rain as the pond is down nearly two feet since the last one and we have planned on using pond water to water the garden. Lacking that we would have to bring in water and install a large water tank. Fingers crossed!
It is very interesting to see another psychologist that is such an avid Prepper, and has a flair for writing too. I've enjoyed reading of your progress. You are luckier than most to have such a wonderful retreat; but what about the mosquitoes???
We have been very lucky because the fish and frogs eat most of them around the cabin. And talking about nature watching, we've had Blue Teal ducks, a Heron, and a nice little Cottonmouth snake! The wife shot the snake while it was swiming in the pond...unsporting but necessary! So we live close to things which makes us very aware of the environment around. This be a life saver if things get bad.
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