
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Questions and Answers

The question always comes up about what prepping did you do this week?

For the wife and I it was a quick trip to Wallyworld to get some milk and eggs. We had just seen the movie THE GREY with Liam Neelson, great movie by the way, and I wanted to look for some lamp oil and some additional lamps for both the RV and the two cabins at the retreat. Well, I had just gotten a small windfall and we ended an in-and-out run $220 poorer but very happy. Being in the Ozarks, we have to deal with more ice storms than snow storms and the first thing to go is the power and lights. This day last winter, we had an ice storm that dumped almost a foot of snow and 2 inches of ice in one shot. So, we picked up 5 gallons of kerosene for the cabin heater and lantrens, 3 oil lamps, 3 bottles of oil, 10 new wicks, and 7 new lamp tops for additional lamps or replacements...wife pick picked up a new bread knife, and a gallons of milk. At the checkout, I stopped and picked up lighter fuel for the WWII lighters I had picked up while the wife was spending my money at the checkout.

We came home happy to have gotten the lamps and oil...but never did get the eggs!!!!