
Saturday, February 15, 2014

At the Pond!

Well, Fran was very lucky as the only damage was the tire rim and a strut. But it still cost over $500 after the tow and repair bill...ouch! But, I can live with that as only minutes before she had been on the blacktop at 60 mph! That same thing then would have been fatal for sure!

On other news, after weeks of snow and ice it has finally gotten above 32 degrees and things are melting! About time!! Besides seeing more birds, Fran had a close up and personal with a very large possum that she "thought" was dead after Jazmine stopped shaking it. Picking it up by the tail, she put it out of reach to take care of later. ONLY, later the possum was gone! Yes, it was playing "possum!" Wish I took a picture as this one was about 10 pounds or more!