
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Questions and Answers

Everyone is talking about snow!
This is our pond totally frozen over. Hope fish don't die!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

At the Pond!

Well, Fran was very lucky as the only damage was the tire rim and a strut. But it still cost over $500 after the tow and repair bill...ouch! But, I can live with that as only minutes before she had been on the blacktop at 60 mph! That same thing then would have been fatal for sure!

On other news, after weeks of snow and ice it has finally gotten above 32 degrees and things are melting! About time!! Besides seeing more birds, Fran had a close up and personal with a very large possum that she "thought" was dead after Jazmine stopped shaking it. Picking it up by the tail, she put it out of reach to take care of later. ONLY, later the possum was gone! Yes, it was playing "possum!" Wish I took a picture as this one was about 10 pounds or more!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Questions and Answers

Well, I will soon know the total damnage to my truck. But a wheel falling off is never good. As bad as that is, is also missing a critical MRI to find out the cause of my arms going totally numb. Can't walk and now cannot eat...well not easily. Serious bummer.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Questions and Answers

Sorry things are running behind! I developed a bone infection in my left elbow that has pretty much crippled my writing, eating, sleeping abilities to a terrible extent. And while it has finally allowed me a few minutes of sleep at night, my abilitiy to hold a thought and to act upon has been tasked. And pain has taken on a whole new meaning as it were.

BUT, my mind is still free and I am developing a new and devasting storyline based on real events taking place across the globe. In the island nation of Madagascar, the Bubonic Plague has taken hold and appears that it may be causing an increasing number of deaths. Strangely, almost all news has stopped, with nothing is coming out that the disease is now dying down or that it is out of control (a more likely possiblity). Last reports were made around Dec 21th, 2013 and stated that the disease had developed into a drug resistant airbrone type. Seriously!

So, take an injuried writer and a mind set free to scare the hell out of you in the coming weeks as Plague: 2014 hits the ground running. Right up to your door!