
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Questions and Answers  Now that the election is over I'll consider what the future of our country and our own lives will be in the coming years. One thing we must consider is the possible economic cliff facing 2013 – that as our economy falls to the wayside and life as we know it changes forever. Because of this each of us need to consider what we can do to face the future with the strongest possible resources that we could generate on a limited budget. As the price of food is skyrocketing on a daily basis, the time is now to stockpiled as much long-term stores as we can while considering all options for the creation of new resources to include heirloom seeds as a way to stretch a limited budget. Heirloom seeds are ones that are from a plant that has not been genetically altered or made a hybrid and as such the seeds can be harvested and used to create a new generation of plants. Hybrid seeds are ones that have been genetically altered to produce a much greater return but because of alterations they are not liable after the first year and decrease time after time until nothing returns from planting.  When we consider the need for future generations of plants and animals we must consider the long-term goals of resources needed to support such generation in regard to animal feed and fertilizer and maximizing production. In addition we must consider the power generation, water, and possible you'll supplies will include wood gas generation is a way of supporting transportation and power generation. To support these goals, I will describe the establishment of wind generation, solar panels, and storing?sterilization of water supplies for human use. By acquiring these systems on a budget I can show you that it is possible to be energy independent while enjoying a comfortable lifestyle.